So why does deep root fertilization for trees & shrubs so important?

Deep root fertilization for trees & shrubs is one of the ways to take care of your trees in managed landscape. It is often overlooked by homeowners and commercial property managers. You can’t see immediate gratification like in lawn fertilization but deep root fertilization for trees & shrubs is an important step in sustaining trees’ health and vigor.

deep root fertilization for trees & shrubsHere is a picture of natural forest. You can see there is lots of organic matter on the ground: broken twigs, leaves, needles, braches, and dead trees. All this organic material is going to be broken down and incorporated into the soil. Soil organisms will break down all this organic matter releasing nutrients for uptake by trees. This process also provides oxygen into the soil. If you feel the soil in the forest, it’s very spongy which allows good water and oxygen penetration.

deep root fertilization for trees & shrubsIf you take a look at the ground of managed landscape, you notice a completely different look. Homeowners and commercial property owners like to see clean properties.  They rake and haul away leaves, branches, and needles. As a result of this practice there is no organic matter left to provide trees with nutrients. Another important factor is that trees have to compete with other plants and turf for nutrients and water.

Deep root fertilization for trees & shrubs can help your trees to:

•Have healthy growth
•Be more resistant to insect pressure
•Rarely have disease or fungus problems
•Deal with drought and heat stress better
•Be overall healthier

According to Planttalk Colorado, the best time for deep root fertilization for trees & shrubs is in spring to early summer after the new leaves have fully expanded.

Call or contact us to ask about deep root fertilization services. At SprayTech we will work hard for you to have the most beautiful and healthy trees.